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Stroup Concrete & Excavating

We carry out our job with outmost safety and quality, while promoting evironmentally friendly work site

New Sewer line install
New Sewer line install
Dug, hooked up, and backfilled a new sanitary line for a customer in greene township

Peach st. Erie, Pa
Dirt Spoils removal
Peach st. Erie, Pa
Dirt Spoils removal
Loaded and hauled out over 4000 tons of dirt and concrete

Pool demolition and Landscaping
Pool demolition and Landscaping

House Demolition
House Demolition

Concrete Removal
Concrete Removal
Removed concrete slab and foundations

Electric vault and duct bank
Electric vault and duct bank
Dug for electrical vault and duct bank. We also set the transformer vault and poured concrete for the duct back

Snow Removal
Snow Removal

Lake Shore erosion prevention
Lake Shore erosion prevention
Hauled and placed large rocks for erosion control

Custom Loading and hauling
Custom Loading and hauling

Concrete Flat Work
Concrete Flat Work
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